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GHI Electronics, LLC

GHI Electronics 成立于 2003 年,提供直接替代型物联网模块,通过其丰富的功能集(包括 TinyCLR OS)来降低风险、成本和复杂性。TinyCLR OS 是一个现代 .NET runtime,拥有强大的基于 USB 的调试功能。

image of >>UCD-D43-A
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>UCD-D70-A
:Display Modules - LCD, OLED, Graphic
image of >>SCM-20260D-C
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>G400D-SM-400
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>G400S-SM-480
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>G120B-SM-373
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>SCM-20260N-C
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>SCM-20260E-B
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>SCM-20100E-B
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules
image of >>G120E-SM-532
:Embedded - Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules

